This goes out to all the stupid women out there.
Now I want to stress right from the off that this isn’t some sort
of woman-hating thing. Really it’s wrong to think of stupidity in gendered
terms, you usually see the same traits in both waterhead men and braindead
women; self-centredness, pride in ignorance, liking the Black Eyed Peas, etc.
There is however, one thing that generally speaking, is seen in stupid women
much more than in their male counterparts. The half-baked love of Marilyn
Without watching or even being able to name any of her films, many
young women like to associate themselves with Marilyn Monroe, because, you
know, she’s famous and has a purrdy face and stuff. Monroe is right up there
with Che Guevara in terms of being an
icon that people latch themselves onto in spite of knowing little to nothing
about. Many seem to know little more about them than what their faces look
like, which they see plastered all over shitty merchandise and love so much
they decide to plaster all over their bodies in the form of shitty tattoos,
creating a self-perpetuating cycle of ignorance. And shit. And plaster.
Now look. I don’t have a problem with Monroe herself. Marilyn
Monroe was reasonably talented, not one of the all-time-greats but not terrible
either. She had a definite screen-presence, something that many modern actors
are sorely lacking, she could do comedy and roles like Cherie, an untalented
but ambitious singer in Bus Stop show
that she was more adept at ‘serious’ roles than one might think at first. As is
fairly common knowledge these days, she was a pretty tragic individual marred
by mental illness, physical and sexual violence throughout her life. This is
not the Marilyn Monroe that is worshipped in Twitter and Facebook posts across
the webland. That Monroe is a much more one-dimensional figure, personified by
that one fucking quote. You know the one.
selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control
and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you
sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
Monroe and Dickwits everywhere
This is horseshit for several reasons. First of all, it is an
excuse to never try to improve, to become emotionally mature and at least try
to work past faults (and they are faults) like selfishness and impatience,
which we all share. Secondly, it suggests that in a
relationship between Person A and Person B, Person A can behave as poorly as
they like, all the time and the inevitable conflict that will ensue is all
Person B’s fault. Shut it Person A, you are like Batista subplots in Dexter,
you are terrible and boring and nobody cares about you. Thirdly...let’s be
frank here. The best of Marilyn Monroe and the best of you, in all likelihood,
do not compare. Ain’t no JFK gonna be doing the horizontal tango with you,
because you are the worst. Also, he’s dead.
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Marilyn Monroe |
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You |
Agree 100% loved this article